Self-knowledge as the key to success

Knowing ourselves deeply allows us to understand our emotions, defects, qualities and problems in any context.

Therefore, self-knowledge is very important for personal and professional development, to regulate emotions, relate to others and achieve the goals we set for ourselves. It could be defined as the reflective process through which we discover ourselves and find what motivates us. In addition, this practice allows us to be aware of our abilities and potential.

There are some tips that can be used to develop self-knowledge:

  1.   Build emotional intelligence

Emotions are always present in every aspect of life. Developing emotional intelligence will help to know how to manage those emotions and how to connect actions in coherence with what you really want.

  1. Develop critical thinking

Questioning things and developing critical thinking is very useful as it allows you to generate your own thinking. Thinking beyond what has been learned is an opportunity to connect with the inner wisdom that we all have.

  1.  Know your body

Mind and body are so connected that we can learn to relate physical sensations with emotions. First we feel them physically and then they pass through to consciousness. Pausing to identify what you feel and in which part of the body you feel is an important part of the process of self-knowledge.

  1.   Promote empathy and humility

In the current environment, empathy and humility are two highly demanded values within soft skills. Accompanying others in their emotional processes allows a mirror effect in which we can get to know ourselves and discover our own emotions.

Many times it happens that we do not dedicate the necessary time to get to know each other. However, this process is extremely important since it makes us discover who we really are, and as a consequence, be able to make better decisions.

In summary, self-knowledge will give us the necessary tools and skills to stand out in the labor market, detect opportunities for growth and follow our dreams.

In our Development area we have the tools to allow you to enhance all your skills, contact us here.


Ballesteros. I. (Sin fecha). 5 técnicas para desarrollar el autoconocimiento. Taken from:

Plaza. I. (16 de diciembre de 2020). El autoconocimiento: herramienta clave para el éxito en los procesos de búsqueda de empleo. Taken from:

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