Importance of a healthy organizational culture

Currently, one of the most important challenges of organizations is to promote a culture and work environment that help maintain and improve the performance of work teams in companies.

The organizational culture involves all levels and accompanies the collaborators and teams in their daily functions. It largely determines the attitude and way of acting of each of the people who are related to the company, transmitting its vision and values.

Types of company culture

There are countless types of organizational cultures according to our ally, PDA and Carolyn Taylor, each one adapted to the needs and personality of each company. Even so, we can speak of five large groups that bring together cultures with certain similar characteristics:

  • Goal-oriented culture: It is defined as a culture that focuses on tasks and problem solving. People in these organizations are competitive, seek perfection, and take responsibility for their mistakes. Objectives are clearly communicated and achievement is rewarded based on individual performance.
  • Customer-oriented culture: This culture is persistent and outward-oriented in its approach to work. Decisions are prioritized based on the impact on the customer and internal processes are streamlined to improve their experience. Active listening and fluid communication are valued both for internal relationships and with clients.
  • Developer culture: This trend places people at the center of its operation. Underlying the basic belief that human beings contribute and respond better in a work environment where they feel valued. Constructive challenge is encouraged and everyone’s decisions are valued. Effort is devoted to the development of the skills and abilities that individuals need in their professionalization and personal fulfillment.
  • Integrative culture: It is characterized by its high degree of listening and empathy with people. It places the common good ahead of the individual good, so when making decisions they think about the team. People are good team leaders, but also good team members. Compensation policies encourage people to facilitate the success of others.
  • Innovative culture: This culture seeks to produce innovation, develop creative ideas and continuously improve. To this end, the teams are formed by projects, with a collaborative spirit in which the experience and contribution of people is valued, regardless of position or hierarchy. Error is considered a fundamental part of success, so experimentation and taking calculated risks is encouraged.

We can point out four recurrent characteristics that could guarantee the success of a company culture:

  1. Collaborators identified with the existing culture.
  2. That the personal objectives of the collaborators are aligned with the short and long-term objectives established by the company.
  3. Stimulation of commitment, allowing a certain level of autonomy for making decisions and proposing ideas.
  4. Collaborators who can work individually but also function well as a team.

The success of an organizational culture involves all areas of the organization, which is why it is important to have committed and motivated employees, so that they make the company’s objectives their own.

Contact us, in our HR Outsourcing Services area we have the tools for you to develop an organizational culture that allows you to achieve extraordinary results.


Donegani. F. (25 de julio de 2022). Tener una buena cultura de empresa en tiempos de crisis. Taken from

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