When we are contacted for a job interview, we generally seek to prepare ourselves in advance in order to be the selected person. For this, we usually investigate the hiring company, think about our personal presentation, update the professional profile, review professional experiences, achievements and goals achieved, analyze why we are the ideal candidate for the position, aspects that without Undoubtedly they are of great importance, however, we are leaving aside one of the most relevant, consciously analyzing our strengths or areas for improvement.
And it is that, based on this, a question arises: Are we really aware of our strengths and points to work on as professionals?
Recruiters, consultants or direct managers or others, usually incorporate a question related to strengths or aspects to be developed in their interviews, a question that, depending on the answer, can mark an undesired or expected outcome of the interview. However, with a little preparation and planning, most candidates can easily neutralize this question and even use it to their advantage.
Being clear about our strengths and points to consider, being able to expose them and talk about them with transparency and mastery, shows that you are a person who has taken the time to get to know yourself, analyze yourself, that you are clear about your limits and areas or subjects in which it could contribute in a significant way.
Let’s remember that when we share our areas for improvement during an interview, it is up to us whether we want to expose them or show them as a weakness, since it is in our hands to turn them into something positive. For example, if we have detected that in general we are not usually so organized, we could mention that, due to this, we have discovered a series of tools or methodologies that have come to contribute and help us balance this point, such as the agenda physical, outlook calendar, planner, check-lists, among others.
However, being clear about our strengths and points to work on is usually not a simple exercise, so it is sometimes advisable to look for a test or tool to help detect them. Sometimes people tend to rely on a SWOT, or they tend to look for some instruments related to personality studies, skills analysis, etc.